ISO 125 f/5.6 1/80 sec

Frosty Chaos

I’m no fitness nut.

I don’t run. Don’t bike. Don’t play games like that any more. Done all that before.

What I do is walk. Miles of it, whenever I can. And the camera comes too.

I walk every day, and I mean to do it right. Get the heart going, lungs working. Walk like it matters.

But when I see a shot, I take it.

This morning, I was out. It was cold, Baltic-level cold. The kind that bites. The sun was up, but that didn’t help much. Just made it bright, made me squint as I froze.

Then I saw it. A mess of frost and wild trees. Undergrowth tangled like it hadn’t been touched in years. Winter’s hand on everything—barren and raw.

First thought was, frosty chaos.

I stood there a while, looking. And the longer I looked, the better it got. There was a picture in it. Just as it was.


Because it was honest. A landscape in its time — deep winter. That frost still has me shivering just thinking about it.

But I’m glad I had my camera.