
By Andy Hawthorne


My name is Andy Hawthorne. I walk the streets with a camera in my hand and an eye for human stories. The streets are loud, messy, and alive. I capture what I see — moments that are here and gone.

There's narrative in simple moments. People reacting and interacting. A man waiting for a bus, head bowed against the rain. Light bouncing off a slick pavement. These are the things that speak to me. They're simple, true, and full of life.

When I'm not out shooting, I'm usually somewhere quiet, drinking coffee and thinking about the next walk. Or I'm at my desk, going through what I've captured, picking out the ones that matter.

My work is what it is — honest and straightforward. No fuss. No frills. Just the streets as they are, and the stories they carry. If that speaks to you, take a look around. You might see something that speaks back.

Oh and I do publish streetscapes and other random stuff that catches my eye. Now and then.

Thanks for stopping by.