Hello there, I’m Andy Hawthorne and I’m based in Coventry, England.
I’ve been engaged in web development in one form another for many years. Including leading teams of awesome developers now that I can’t remember where the semi-colons go.
As I sit here, pondering the mysteries of the written word, I am reminded of the countless times I’ve found myself lost in the labyrinth of language.
Now, I’m an old(ish) guy and find myself bewildered by life half the time. So, some of the stuff I write are observations. That’s it. Although my wife says it’s me be grumpy about stuff that doesn’t matter all that much.
I’ve blogged for years, I wrote a programming book published by SitePoint and I’ve worked as a copywriter. Which is my way of offering at least a smidgen of credibility.
This blog, is dedicated to sharing tips and tales from the trenches of life and e-commerce web development. And from years of battling with web code and leading the teams that write it.
But it’s also a place where we’ll explore the quirks of grammar, the art of storytelling, and the occasional absurdity of life.
So, grab a cup of tea, pull up a chair, and let me entertain you (or at least make you laugh) for a few minutes…
Feel free to drop me a line: andy@andyhawthorne.uk